Spring Semester

View the full schedule here.
Tournament Schedule
Our competitive season for the second semester will run from January through March. We plan to attend 3 tournaments each month. January will consist of two invitationals and the final league event. February will be three invitational tournaments, including Stanford (our winter signature). March will be two qualifier tournaments and one last invitational tournament (our spring signature event).

State and National Qualifiers
We will be attending the state and national (Calif Coast) qualifier tournaments in March. Since each school is allotted a limited number of entries, students will be selected to represent Wilcox at these qualifier tournaments. More details will be forthcoming.

More info at speechanddebate.org/explore-membership-students
NSDA Membership
We will be opening a NSDA (National Speech and Debate Association) chapter at Wilcox starting next semester. As an NSDA chapter, our students will be able to become members of the NSDA Honor Society for a one time fee of $20. Membership will unlock a wide range of benefits including research guides and topic analyses. Additionally, students will accumulate points for every tournament they attend, which translate into merit awards and scholarship opportunities in their senior year.

More info here. The tabroom page will be up soon!
Wilcox Invitational Tournament
Wilcox will be hosting an invitational tournament this April (4/2-4)! This tournament will be a novice and JV level competition. We will be providing volunteer hours for varsity students that volunteer to help facilitate the tournament as staff or judges. More info regarding registration and invite will be forthcoming.